Wednesday 15 August 2018

The 9 Best Ab Exercises, According to Women Who Love Their Strong Cores

Fitness fans and professionals alike share their all-time favorite moves.

Sure, “a sculpted stomach” or “six-pack abs” are common goals. But the fact is, a strong core—the muscles that make up everything from the tops of the shoulders to the bottom of the pelvis—is much more important than simply having visible definition. (In fact, it’s entirely possible to have a very strong core, without those six-pack lines, due to things like body fat percentage, genetics, eating habits, or where you are in your menstrual cycle).
“A strong core is a balanced one, where low abs, upper abs, obliques, and your back muscles all work together to provide stability, safe movement patterns, and strength,” explains certified personal trainer Cameron Norsworthy, trainer at Equinox and Yoga Room NYC. “Having a strong core means that you can support your daily life (in and outside of the gym) with confidence and comfort, and without pain or risk of injury,” adds Rachel Turner, founder of Strong Chicks Rock.
So what does it take to build a strong core, exactly? Below, Norsworthy, Turner, and seven other women–some who work out for a living (because why wouldn’t you get the scoop from a pro?) and some who don’t–share their go-to core-building moves.
“I’m a full-time Strongman competitor and part-time rugby player, so for me having a strong core is all about stability. My go-to move for core strength is something called Hollow Hold Straight Out. When you’re ready to begin, lie on your back and squeeze everything tight. Press your lower back into the ground, and slightly lift your legs and upper back so that your shoulder blades are off the floor. From there, engage your abs and use one arm to press a five- to 10-pound dumbbell or kettlebell away from you for about five to eight reps, then switch arms. This core movement will help develop overall core strength and, more importantly, stability."
Having a strong core is everything. Forget aesthetics, forget having a six pack. The core is called a 'core' for a reason: It's the center of all movement. As a CrossFit coach, I ask my athletes, 'How can you be strong and secure in any movement if your foundation is weak?' The answer: Best to get the building blocks in place! One of my favorite exercises for core strength is the Hip Thrust. To do it, lie flat on your back, bend your knees at a 90-degree angle with your feet on the floor, then thrust your hips off the floor and push your heels into the ground. Then, lower back down. That’s one rep. To make it harder, don't allow your butt to reach the floor between reps; instead, let it hover above the ground about an inch or two. Trust me, a few sets of 10 to 20 reps will get the lower abs burning real good."
To be completely honest, I have a love-hate relationship with this exercise. I love it because it’s absolutely killer for building a resilient core, improving postural imbalances, and strengthening both the pelvis and hips (which is why I add it into my own routine and to the routines of my athletes as well). But I hate it because it’s really, really hard! Here’s how to do it: Get on all fours like you’re about to crawl with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Push the floor away from you with your hands and reach your back to the ceiling while tucking your hips and pelvis. Bring your toes up underneath you, and bring your knees about an inch off the floor. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds while taking full yet slow inhales and exhales throughout the movement.”
“For core strength, my all-time favorite exercise is the Half-Kneeling Pallof Press. To try it, start on the ground in a half-kneeling position, and grab a cable or resistance band that’s looped around a squat rig or column. Grab onto the handle with your outside hand, then wrap your inside hand around it, too. When you’re ready to begin, press from the midline of the body, so right from your chest, and extend your arms out, straight in front of you. Pause for two seconds, then bring it back in. That’s one rep! I typically go for 10 to 12 reps.”

Back Squat

Alexa Felipe core exercise
Courtesy of Alexa Felipe
“It is important for me to have a strong core, not just for heavy lifts but also to protect myself for the future, especially when having kids. I want to be able to recover faster post-pregnancy. My favorite core exercise is a compound movement that makes you engage that core every single time you get under that weight! To try it, simply put the plates (or no plates, if you’re a beginner!) on the barbell, and then get that barbell on your shoulders. To begin, pull down on the bar to engage your lats, squeeze your core, and sit your hips back while keeping all of your weight in your heels. Then, explode back to the starting position. That’s one rep.”

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